Friday, February 5, 2010

He's Too Good and You Know it

I, like many of you I am sure, have been reading a lot about the Super Bowl these last two weeks, and I have to be honest, I agree with a lot of the analysis. Even Gene Wufdhidhfkd;sjfdfvjhrski's article made a lot of sense to me. New Orleans is a great story, but this is Indy's thing, they will not lose this.


Line: Indianapolis -4.5

Pick: Indianapolis 34-24

1) The Manning Arguments. He's too good. He's the best QB of all time probably, having by far the best season of his career. He's been a magician. The two minute drill basically needs to be remained so that the drill for teams is renamed their "Peyton Offense". Indy have won 21 of their last 20 games when he plays the whole game. He prepares s thoroughly and had two weeks to prepare for a Saints defense I'm not sure anyone knows is particulary good. Manning torched the Jets defense and they have Darrelle Revis. I am far more confident of Manning to rack up a score than I am in Brees.

Brees is excellent, no doubt, but he's not in Mannings league and frankly, I'm betting with Manning in big games until he looks mortal. Really that's where it ends with me, I'm taking Indy over everyone.

2) Norlans have more hype than substance. Look, this is a harsh call I understand that, but their personell on the field, especially on defense, looks underwhelming. Their receiving core is also underwhelming. The running game is questionable. It's built on turnovers and just seems much more fraglie than Indy's tried and true formula over several seasons. I know what I get from the Colts on Sunday. Indianapolis wins these games - we know it because we've seen it. I get the feeling New Orleans are just happy to be here.

3) This is shorter than I would have liked because I am pressed for time, but I have talked at length about these two teams throughout the playoffs. I have gone against New Orleans twice in a row so you are familiar with what failings I perceive this to have. But this isn't an X's and O's Super Bowl, it's about Peyton Manning showing us his best year, the year he was unbeatable. Sorry for the brevity of the blurb.


  1. Right now Manning is playing at the kind of level where a baseball team would be if it could roll out it's best starting pitcher everyday, and the pitcher was a Hall of Famer. I agree this is his best year, and yet statisticly, it isn't. The player himself has just become dominant in a way I can't remember a single football player being. It's as if Pedro was pitching everyday for the Red Sox in 99 or 2000 when he was absolutly unreal. I like the Saints, and am a huge Brees fan.

    I'd say that most of us on the blog were giving the Saints props at the beginning of the year, as we thought Peter "I got 'em ranked 18th" King was smoking the bad crack. their defense just isn't that good though, it's opportunistic, and I don't see those opportunities occuring with Peyton under center. Seriously, who here thinks he would throw a ball that looks anything like the one Favre threw to end the game two weeks ago?

    I'm saying the Colts, controlling the game through a passing, yet grinding offense. 28-17

  2. KBilly likes the Saints and the over.

  3. I agree with every word of this post.

  4. You made a good point in less words than it takes me and almost convinced me to change my pick. Almost, but I didn't. Peyton Manning is in a zone right now and I think it may be tough for the Saints defense to stop him.

    I still feel like the Saints offense will have some chances to make plays against the Colts defense. We'll see.
