Wednesday, August 25, 2010

NFC East and NFC North 2010 Preview

Dylan and I are back with the first part of this week's NFC Preview. We were going to do it in haiku form in an homage to Gregg Easterbrook but decided against it. I know you were all concerned about this, so don't worry, I still ramble a little bit. I hope you enjoy the podcast and the NFC South and NFC West will be posted later this week.

Of course I can't just submit a link without commentary, so here are few of my self-conscious thoughts:

1. I have grown more and more confident by the day on my Raiders 8-8 pick. I don't regret much of the picks I made the other day, though I did like the Dolphins a bit much.

2. We did this before Sidney Rice was announced as injured. I won't change my pick, but combining his injury with Percy Harvin's headaches and I don't know how good I feel about the Vikings this year compared to the record I predicted they would have. The fairy tale ends this year and then Brett Favre will announce he wants to play for a different NFL team, retire, and then sign with a different NFL team.

3. We bust out the tissues for Donovan McNabb. Eagles fans may disagree.

4. That turnaround you heard was me liking what Mike Shanahan did with the Redskins. Of course it will lead to a couple barely above .500 years and then Dan Snyder will get angry and fire him, but for this year, I like them.

5. I hope you enjoy it and I tried to improve my voice, but it didn't work. Oh well.


  1. I think you and the Pardon The Opinion guy were awesome.

  2. Thanks Dylan. I think the Pardon the Opinion guy is a genius and he and the BotB guy should get their own nightly sports show at 4:30am on FX.

  3. Good job. I have an optimistic feeling about the Raiders as well, not having to deal with the JaFatAss drama should help a lot.

  4. Thanks Kent. I didn't think the Raiders would draft as well as they did. I was hating on Campbell before the draft but he was a steal where they got him and McClain looks like the real deal. I think Campbell may bring a certain calmness to the offense which is needed.
