Monday, July 28, 2008

I'm Really, Really Sorry

I am not going to talk about Brett Favre anymore...after this. I will be pithy, I promise, simply because I want to use the "one sentence pithy replies" tag. Also, Brett Favre is now holding out of training camp and demanding a trade, let's cut through the shit and just call it like it is.

Chris Mortensen of ESPN reports that Packers quarterback Brett Favre has signed a letter requesting reinstatement, but that Favre might not send it until Monday or Tuesday.
Per Mort, Favre says that G.M. Ted Thompson “pleaded” with Favre to give the team more time to figure out the situation.

Go away, for God's sake, go away.

I told him I’m not trying to get anybody fired. So Ted asked me to let the guys report and let’s try to resolve this over the next two or three days.

Of course not, you are just asking Thompson to choose between what is best for the football team in the long run that will cause some immediate pain and what is best for the team in the short run, which will cause the team pain later.

"Deanna, Bus, everyone here [in Mississippi] says, ‘You’re so stupid, letting [the Packers] play you like this,” Favre said.

Deanna is a bitch, Bus wants to get paid, and you are fucking clueless.

“I said, ‘Let me compete, you’ll know I’ll win this job’

That's not the issue Brett, the issue is that you lied and said you were retired and put everyone in this situation.

It’s pretty clear — and this is what I told the commissioner — that they want me to go away, stay retired.

It took him over a month to figure this out.

They would much rather see me in a Packers’ uniform, paying me $12 million to be a backup

No, they would rather you have kept your teary eyed word and stay fucking retired and pay you $0 to mow the grass at home.

— which you know they really don’t want — rather than see in another uniform, no matter what they say.

They don't want you to get pissed off and go to a division rival and beat them twice this year and once in the playoffs and this is understandable.

They’ll drag this out, asking a king’s ransom [in a trade], hoping it all goes away.”

They have the rights to you, they can ask for Al Davis' 15 year old great grandchild's virginity if they would like to, it's their right, you signed a contract.

Chris Mortensen of ESPN reports that Packers quarterback Brett Favre has signed a letter requesting reinstatement, but that Favre might not send it until Monday or Tuesday.

Doesn't this sound like he is trying to hold the franchise for ransom?

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